Aotearoa’s lakes are steeped in history with significant cultural, recreational, and social values. For Māori, fresh water is a taonga and essential to life and identity. Our economy depends on having plentiful water – agriculture, tourism, and hydroelectricity generation particularly rely on water. New Zealanders and tourists alike enjoy many forms of recreation that use our lakes. These waterbodies also support many indigenous animals, plants, and ecosystems.
Some of our lakes are world class, while others are in a degraded condition.
You can find a summary of the condition of monitored lakes in New Zealand in the National Picture tab, or click on the Regions tab to find out more on the water quality of your favourite monitored lakes. Desktop and tablet users can also view lake information on the map.
Published: 17 October 2023*
LAWA presents lake health information for nearly 160 lakes throughout New Zealand. Some lakes are monitored at more than one site, and data presented comes from around 200 sites. Lakes are monitored for a range of water quality (chemical-physical and bacterial) and ecological indicators by regional and unitary councils. State and trend results for these indicators have been updated for individual lakes using data up to the end of June 2022. Data are analysed by hydrological year (1 July - 30 June), so show a more meaningful time period for understanding lake dynamics, as summer is the main growth period for algae and as many lakes stratify over the summer months.
This national picture summary focuses on the current state of monitored lakes, and how they have changed over time. Here we report on five indicators:
An indicator of overall lake condition:
Trophic Level Index (TLI) - a measure which combines chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, total nitrogen and water clarity (Secchi disc depth) to determine overall lake condition
An indicator of aquatic life in lakes:
Chlorophyll a – a measure of phytoplankton (algae) growth that impacts ecological communities and water clarity
Indicators of water quality contributing to lake health:
Total phosphorus and total nitrogen – nutrients that can lead to elevated plant and algae growth
Ammonia toxicity – a nutrient that can be toxic to aquatic life
LAWA reports on overall lake condition by calculating the Trophic Level Index (TLI) at representative lake sites. TLI results for each year are determined from annual data over hydrological years (e.g. 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022). The measures are combined and then converted to a score, with lower scores indicating better water quality and higher scores indicating progressively poorer water quality. This translates into a lake’s condition assessment ranging from 'very good' to 'very poor'.
LAWA also evaluates conditions (state) at representative lake sites against attribute bands described in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020), from A (good) to D (poor). The 'current state' for 2022 at each site is based on data over the previous five hydrological years (from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2022). This evaluation requires a five-year history of monthly or quarterly measurements, before a state can be assigned. For the first time this year we report on changes in lake water quality over time using attribute bands.
See factsheets on TLI and state attribute bands for more information.
While this summary provides information on how our lakes are tracking, it is important to note it only relates to lakes where monitoring has been conducted and where there are enough data to calculate TLI or determine state. Monitored lakes with the best data records in New Zealand are often located in areas that are more impacted by human activities, have significant social and cultural value, and/or where changes in perceived water quality have resulted in the implementation of monitoring programs. These are not necessarily representative of all New Zealand lakes.
The Trophic Level Index (TLI) provides an integrated measure of lake condition. TLI uses an indicator of phytoplankton (algae) growth (chlorophyll a), the concentrations of key nutrients (total phosphorus and total nitrogen), as well as a measure of water clarity (Secchi disc depth). Here we present TLI results and compare upland lakes with lowland lakes, and for shallower (considered as shallower than 10m) and deeper lakes (considered greater than 10m deep).
Overall, the condition of 52 monitored lakes (36%) can be categorised as either 'very good', 'good' or 'fair', whereas 92 monitored lakes (64%) can be categorised as either 'poor' or 'very poor' (Figure 1).
LAWA National Lake Trophic Level Index (2022)
Figure 1. Trophic Level Index (TLI) scores for the 144 monitored lakes with suitable data to determine this index. TLI grades were calculated from data collected in the latest available hydrological year (1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022). The location of these monitored lakes and their TLI score is shown on the map.
A lake’s condition can be affected by its location in the landscape. In New Zealand, lowland lakes are often shallower and located in catchments with higher proportions of agricultural, urban or other development. Upland lakes are often deeper and are more likely to have fewer pressures on their water quality. Currently around half of the lakes monitored are lowland shallow lakes.
In general, our upland lakes are in better condition than our lowland lakes. Similarly, our deep lakes are generally in better condition than our shallow lakes (Figure 2). This means that the biggest challenges with lake health are in our lowland shallow lakes where 70 monitored lakes (93%) were in 'poor' or 'very poor' health. In contrast, 18 monitored upland deep lakes (55%) are in ‘good’ and 'very good' condition.
LAWA Lake Trophic Level Index (2022) by Altitude and Depth
Upland Lakes (Altitude >170 m)
Lowland Lakes (Altitude <170 m)
Figure 2. Comparison of Trophic Level Index (TLI) scores by lake altitude and depth. TLI scores were calculated from data collected in the latest available hydrological year (1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022). The number of monitored lakes is shown by altitude (upland or lowland) and depth category (lakes shallower or deeper than 10 metres). The location of these monitored lakes and their TLI score is shown on the maps.
The current state for 2022 is further assessed by four indicators for aquatic life and water quality: chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and ammonia toxicity (Figure 3).
LAWA National Lake Health Summary of State (2022)
Figure 3. Attribute bands for the four indicators discussed in this national picture summary. Bands were calculated over a five-year hydrological period (1 July 2017 – 30 June 2022). The number of sites with suitable data to determine an attribute band is shown for each indicator, and their location is shown on the map.
Those lakes with state attributes in band A are expected to have healthy and resilient ecological communities, while those in band B are slightly impacted by algal and plant growth arising from elevated nutrient concentrations. Attribute band C suggests lake ecological communities are moderately impacted by algal and plant growth arising from elevated nutrient concentrations, with subsequent reduced water clarity. Band D indicates lakes in a degraded state due to impacts of elevated nutrients, excessive algal growth and potential loss of oxygen from water at the bottom of lakes.
Chlorophyll a is the green pigment in algae and plants that is used for photosynthesis. Measuring how much of this pigment is in the water provides a good indicator of the total amount (or biomass) of phytoplankton (algae) in a lake. Over 60% of the monitored lakes were classified in C and D bands (53 lakes), indicating that their ecological communities are impacted by algal and plant growth arising from elevated nutrient concentrations, with subsequent reduced water clarity. Lakes in D band are likely to have undergone, or are at high risk, of a regime shift to a persistent, degraded state.
Both nitrogen and phosphorus are important nutrients contributing to the growth of algae and aquatic plants in freshwater systems. When nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations are too high (through a process called eutrophication) there is an increased risk of nuisance algal blooms occurring and lakes shifting to a permanently degraded, turbid state without native aquatic plant cover. Of monitored lakes whose state could be assessed for total phosphorus and total nitrogen, around 60% (52 and 55 lakes, respectively) were classified in the C and D bands, suggesting these lakes are impacted by nutrient enrichment, with lakes in the D band already in a degraded state.
Ammonia is one of several forms of nitrogen that exist in aquatic environments. It is a nutrient and can have enriching effects in the ecosystem, but at high concentrations ammonia is toxic to aquatic life. The NPS-FM 2020 attribute bands only assess direct toxicity effects. More than 85% of monitored lakes (73 lakes) had levels of ammonia where toxicity effects are low (A and B bands). Toxic effects of ammonia on aquatic ecosystems can be an issue for sensitive species at the monitored lakes in C band (13 lakes). Note that for ammonia toxicity the national bottom line is between the B and C band (not the C and D band, as for other attributes), so lakes in the C band do not meet the national bottom line.
The above plots illustrate the current lake state or condition, but how has this changed over time? TLI scores are presented annually for the last decade, for the 87 lakes that have this sampling history available. At the national level, TLI showed relatively consistent scores over the last 10 years, with roughly half of the monitored lakes in a 'very good', 'good' or 'fair' condition (Figure 4). Information on changes over time for individual lakes can be found on their pages on LAWA.
LAWA Lake Trophic Level Index Change Over Time (2013 - 2022)
Figure 4. Changes in Trophic Level Index (TLI) scores from 2013 - 2022 at 87 lakes where there were enough data to determine the TLI score each year. The location of these lakes and their current TLI score (2022) are shown on the map.
We also identified lakes that have enough data to calculate attribute bands for each five-year period over the last decade. Each state assessment is based on the previous five years of information, so the 2013 grades, for example, are based on a five-year dataset from 1 July 2008 – 30 June 2013. The following figures show results only for those lakes that have this long and comprehensive sampling history.
For chlorophyll a there has been an increase in the number of lakes in bands C and D over the last 10 years (Figure 5). Chlorophyll a responds to increases in nutrients in the ecosystem, and improvements in this indicator will likely require earlier improvements in the nutrient indicators.
LAWA National Lake Health State Change Over Time (2013 - 2022)
Chlorophyll a
Figure 5. Changes in attribute bands for chlorophyll a, from 2013 – 2022 at the 50 monitored lakes where there were enough data to determine a band each year. The location of these lakes and their current attribute band (2022) are shown on the map.
For total phosphorus there has been an increase in the number of monitored lakes in band A and in band C, over the last 10 years (Figure 6). Phosphorus is often trapped within the lakebed, from where it can be released at a later stage, in response to changes in ecosystem conditions, including weather events. For this reason, improvements in this indicator may show ups and downs over time. Phosphorus is also often delivered to lakes attached to sediments, so high rainfall events can drive phosphorus inputs to lakes. Climatic cycles, such as ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) are drivers of phosphorus dynamics, particularly in sub-alpine, low nutrient lakes. Total phosphorus can persist in lake sediments for decades after reductions in inflow concentrations have occurred, therefore lake restoration is a slow process.
LAWA National Lake Health State Change Over Time (2013 - 2022)
Total Phosphorus
Figure 6. Changes in attribute bands for total phosphorus, from 2013 – 2022 at the 56 monitored lakes where there were enough data to determine a band each year. The location of these lakes and their current attribute band (2022) are shown on the map.
For total nitrogen the number of lakes in the C and D bands has been relatively consistent over the last 10 years (Figure 7). However, the number of sites in band A has decreased. That means our low-nutrient lakes are becoming more enriched with nitrogen. Total nitrogen can contribute to the excessive growth of phytoplankton (algae), reducing water clarity. Improvements in this indicator will contribute to improvements in chlorophyll a and ammonia.
LAWA National Lake Health State Change Over Time (2013 - 2022)
Total Nitrogen
Figure 7. Changes in attribute bands for total nitrogen, from 2013 – 2022 at the 46 monitored lakes where there were enough data to determine a band each year. The location of these lakes and their current attribute band (2022) are shown on the map.
Ammonia (toxicity) has decreased since 2015, and currently no monitored lakes, with results available over 10 years, show ammonia concentrations approaching the acute impact level (that is, risk of death) for sensitive species (D band). However, approximately 11% of the lakes are still below the national bottom line (C band) where there can be regular impacts on the most sensitive species (Figure 8).
LAWA National Lake Health State Change Over Time (2013 - 2022)
Ammonia (Toxicity)
Figure 8. Changes in attribute bands for ammonia (toxicity), from 2013 – 2022 at the 54 monitored lakes where there were enough data to determine a band each year. The location of these lakes and their current attribute band (2022) are shown on the map.
To present a national picture, this summary uses lake information that is freely available on the LAWA website for communities to explore. Looking at monitoring site data from individual lakes provides further context alongside information on lake type, size, depth, mixing pattern, and ecological condition.
This year, for the first time, we have provided changes in lake water quality over time using NPS-FM 2020 attribute bands aggregated at the national level. We expect that information from more lakes will become available for reporting over time as sampling records grow. There will be a broader range of indicators available to better understand the health of our lakes as councils introduce changes to their monitoring network to better respond to up-and-coming legislative requirements, such as being able to report on ecosystem health, human contact, mahinga kai and threatened species.
Figure 9. An infographic showing an example of a lake with good ecosystem health (left panel) versus a lake under pressure with poor ecosystem health (right panel).
Healthy lakes have high ecological value. They support a thriving community of plants and animals, as well as supporting freshwater quality by trapping pollutants in the lakebed. Healthy lakes also have high social value. They can be used for mahinga kai and provide recreational activities opportunities (walking, swimming, sailing, and places for connection).
There are numerous attempts underway to improve water quality in New Zealand lakes. Gathering data regarding when and why changes have occurred is essential to set goals for restoration projects and to identify which lakes are in most need of protection.
As a project, we are working to further align our reporting with the NPS-FM 2020 and include information from a wider variety of indicators as long-term monitoring data becomes increasingly available over time. As more indicators become available, we will be able to provide a holistic ‘health check’, and integrate assessments of rivers, lakes, groundwater, and estuaries.
LAWA Project partners are working hard to improve the consistency of monitoring across New Zealand through the development and use of National Environmental Monitoring Standards (NEMS). As these standards are implemented, we expect to see further improvements in the availability of high quality data on our environment.
Information specific to monitored sites can be accessed either by clicking on a site dot on the map to the left of the LAWA main screen (desktop and tablet users), or by navigating menus to the region, then lake, and then site of interest. The organisation responsible for monitoring an individual site can provide further contextual information on the results shown.
*Updated from 24 September 2023: The method for calculating ammonia toxicity state attribute bands has been updated in line with the latest version of the NPS-FM 2020 (February 2023). This revised calculation has resulted in a similar proportion of lakes in the A and B bands (now 73 lakes, as opposed to 70 lakes) and likewise in the C band (now 13 lakes fall below the national bottom line, as opposed to 16 lakes).