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Navigation tip: find out about sources of air quality pollutants and seasonal air quality patterns in this town by selecting the town name above. View regional summary results by selecting Air Quality.


The Pakuranga monitoring station was established in June 1998 and is currently monitoring PM10.

The daily averages and exceedances shown here are raw and may not be correct. You can find correct data from 2016 to 2023 in the downloadable air quality dataset on the download data page, or email Auckland Council at  We apologise for the inconvenience.

The station is located in Bell Reserve and is used to monitor residential home heating and vehicle emissions. Houses in the area are of mixed age - from 1960s to less than 5 years old, mostly on medium sized sites. About 50% of houses have chimneys.

Scientific Indicators
Scientific data for this site

This dashboard shows the latest results for air quality indicators collected by regional councils and unitary authorities.  Indicators are shown against the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NES-AQ).  Where no national standards exist for the air quality measurements shown, the data are compared against other guidelines (e.g. World Health Organization (WHO) 2021 guidelines, Ambient Air Quality Guidelines (AAQG)).  

Select 'Show more information +' under a dashboard to see the current and historical monitoring data.


  • PM10
    • Hourly average
      {{data.DateTime | date:dateFormat}}
      hour to {{data.DateTime | date:'h:mm a'}}


    • Daily average
      {{data.DateTime | date:dateFormat}}


    • Monthly average
      {{data.DateTime | date:dateFormat}}


    • Annual average
      {{data.DateTime | date:dateFormat}}


    • Exceedance
      Year to date


      Year to date
      No Data
    Show more information Hide information

    PM10 information

    • Hourly
    • Daily
    • Monthly
    • Annual
    • Exceedances
    • Show wind speed
    • Show temperature


    Concentration (µg/m3)

    Wind speed (km/h)

    Air temperature (℃)


    What is this graph showing me?

    This graph shows how concentrations of PM10 change on an hourly, daily, monthly or annual basis for the selected time period. The number of exceedance days can be viewed over the last 10 years or all years if available.

    The PM10 daily average concentrations and exceedance days are compared to the National Standard (NES-AQ), and the PM10 annual average concentrations are compared to the WHO guideline.  The standard and guideline limits are denoted by the red horizontal line.   There are no guidelines for hourly or monthly average concentrations.  For information about allowable exceedances and targets, and the limitations of data shown, see the factsheet on monitoring air quality in New Zealand. 

    The concentrations depend on local sources of emissions and weather conditions. Emissions from various sources change, depending on whether it's a weekday or the weekend or at different times of the year (e.g. emissions from home heating go up in the cold winter months).  Still conditions often lead to high concentrations, as there is no wind to blow away the pollutants in the air.  At some monitoring sites, the hourly temperature and wind data are available to explore the relationship between local weather conditions and PM10 concentrations.  See this factsheet about why air quality is important and factors that influence air quality.