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Taranaki region

Groundwater Zone: Whenuakura

The Whenuakura Formation consists of a series of numerous marine mudstones (papa), fine loose sands, sandstone, shellbeds and occasional hard concretionary bands.

Groundwater is abstracted from the sandstone and shelly limestone layers and several relatively extensive aquifers have been identified within the formation.  Bores abstracting from the Whenuakura Formation typically display yields of up to 20 litres per second. Recharge to these aquifers is not well understood.  Some recharge may occur via the overlying Volcanics Formation in the north and in the far south where the overlying marine terraces are relatively thin.   Some recharge may also occur where the formation is exposed in incised river valleys to the eastern hill country.


There are currently 24 consents to take groundwater from the Whenuakura Formation aquifers. Water is taken for a range of uses including dairy farming, industrial and municipal water supply purposes. There is limited abstraction pressure on the Whenuakura Formation aquifers at present. Monitoring by the Council indicates groundwater levels within the Whenuakura Formation are stable.

Water Use
Groundwater in this zone

Regional councils collect information about how much water is available and manage resource consents for those wishing to take water from groundwater supplies. Use the buttons below to view regional information on: how much water is available, where it comes from and how its used.


Groundwater available: {{waterSource.availableToAllocate}} Irrigation
Town supply
  • Groundwater in this zone
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    Groundwater in this zone

    Accurately estimating the total amount of water available in a groundwater management zone is not currently possible. Regional Councils are working with the Ministry for the Environment on the best way to calculate this figure. We will include these figures on LAWA when they become available. In the meantime, for more information about a particular groundwater management zone, contact your regional council.

    Total allocated volume includes consented use only and no allowance has been made for 'permitted' use volumes.

  • Water consents: How much water is consented and used?

    Groundwater available to consent

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    Consented water in this groundwater zone

    Use the tables below to look at how much water is available compared with how much is actually consented within this water management zone. Click the plus to expand subzones where available

    Comparing consents and use
    Amount available to consent In this groundwater management zone:
    {{}} {{}}
    available to consent
    Amount consented
    measured and non measured
    Amount used (measured)
    Amount Units Consented or used as a percentage of available
    Total available to consent {{}} {{}} {{}}
    Total consented {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}}
    Total consented and measured {{}} {{}} {{}} {{}}
    Total measured amount used {{}} {{}} {{}}
    Total measured volume used {{}} {{}}

    The table above shows the amount of water that is available for use compared to the amount that has been consented. The �Total Consented� and �Total Consented and Measured� fields are based on percentages of the �Total available to Consent� field. If this field is not populated no data will be displayed. Some consents require actual use to be monitored and this is presented as 'Total measured volume Used' where available.

  • Water consents: How is consented water used?

    Consents by use in this groundwater zone

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    Consented water in this zone

    Overall annual volume for {{waterAvailable.year}}
    Relative breakdown
    Activity Percentage of total consented Total volume Number of consents
    {{item.displayText}} {{item.displayText}} - - No data available {{item.breakdownPercentage}}% {{item.totalVolume}} m3 {{item.numberOfConsents}}
    Total {{}}% {{}} m3 {{}}

    The above table shows the proportion of water consented for irrigation, industrial, stock, town supply and other. It excludes hydro electricity. In this region/management zone {{hydroUsage.totalVolume}} m3/year is consented for hydro-electricity and makes up {{hydroUsage.percentageConsented}}% of the total water volume consented for this region/management zone


Monitored sites in this Zone

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No sites found.