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Mangaoraka Stream (Waiongana Catchment)

The Waiongana Catchment lies to the North of Taranaki Maunga and contains both the Waiongana Stream and the Mangaoraka Stream. The Waionganga originates within Te Papakura o Taranaki near the North Egmont visitor's centre before flowing northeast through agricultural land to the sea. The Mangaoraka is the principal tributary of the lower Waiongana, and is representative of a northern Taranaki ring plain lowland stream which has headwaters outside the National Park. The stream drains mostly intensive agricultural land, which makes up 91% of the catchment. The Mangaoraka holds special value for Te Atiawa Iwi. It is a trout fishery of local importance and has very good access from the sea for native fish.


Trend analysis of more recent data, collected over a seven-year period, shows all water quality parameters have stabilised and ecological health is significantly improving in this catchment. Water quality is expected to continue to improve in coming years as new riparian planting in the catchment establishes.

The Mangaoraka catchment has a total of 335 km of stream bank. The Council’s database shows 53% of the stream banks in the catchment are planted in riparian vegetation with 1% stream banks located within Te Papakura o Taranaki and 52% of stream banks covered by a Council riparian management plan outside the park boundary. Further to this, 77% of stream banks are fenced outside the park. Overall, 95% of the stream banks outside of Te Papakura o Taranaki are covered by riparian plans (October 2020).

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Monitored sites in the Mangaoraka Stream (Waiongana Catchment) catchment

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