This dashboard shows information on the data collected by the regional councils and unitary authorities for water quality indicators, analysed as state and trend. Select an indicator to see the historical monitoring data.
The state is represented by attribute bands in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 for most indicators.
Trend shows how the quality of water is changing over time. Depending on the sampling history duration, five, ten and fifteen year timescales are available:
The Cawthron Institute has worked alongside regional councils to verify the processes and methods used for data collection, laboratory analysis of samples collected, quality assurance and the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results presented.
For more details on each tick, see our 'Can I Trust This Data?' Factsheet.
Lake water quality is being monitored in this region. Davies-Colley et al. (2012) suggest that all councils should monitor lake water quality as part of their State of the Environment Monitoring Programmes, if lakes occur in the region.
This site is sampled by helicopter, which means that only a subset of monitoring parameters can be measured. This needs to be considered when making conclusions based on the data from this site.
Data at this site has had some form of data processing measures applied. Therefore, the data shown here are more robust than data with no data processing applied.
Data shown here hasn’t had any kind of quality coding applied. Therefore, the data shown here is less robust than quality coded data.
Samples are collected monthly or quarterly at this site. Proposed national guidelines suggest monthly sampling is required for robust trend analysis. Therefore, any trends shown here are less robust than those calculated from data that is solely collected monthly.
Total Phosphorus sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying Total Phosphorus concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The bands for Total Phosphorus are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020:
Total Nitrogen sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying Total Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The bands for Total Nitrogen are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020:
Ammoniacal Nitrogen sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying Ammoniacal Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. These monitoring data have not been pH adjusted. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The bands for Ammonia (toxicity) are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020:
Chlorophyll a sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying Chlorophyll a concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The bands for Chlorophyll a are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020:
Cyanobacteria sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying Cyanobacteria concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The bands for Cyanobacteria are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020:
Secchi disc depth sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying Secchi disc depth measurements over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The grades for Secchi disc depth are defined as follows:
E. coli sample history at this site
What is this graph showing me?
This graph is displaying E. coli concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.
Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.
What do the attribute band icons mean?
The bands for E. coli are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020: