
Real-time air quality data now available online

Nelson residents can now check real-time air quality in their neighbourhood through environmental monitoring website lawa.org.nz. Real time data is available for Nelson’s four air sheds – Nelson Centre/North, Tahunanui, Stoke and Nelson South.

LAWA shows the latest hourly and daily data for PM10, an air pollutant, as well as longer term seasonal and annual trends. It also details the sources of emissions in each area. Woodburners contribute up to 91 percent of PM10 emissions in winter months. Other sources of emissions are transport, industrial activity and natural sources such as dust and pollen.
Nelson’s air quality is affected by PM10 during the winter because of its geography, sheltered by the surrounding hills from prevailing winds, which allows smoke from fires to build up in still conditions.
 “Having this data available in real time means that people can monitor the air quality in their own neighbourhood, and make informed decisions,” says Cllr Brian McGurk, Chair of the Planning and Regulatory Committee.

Nelson's air quality data can be found here
 Visit Council's website for tips and advice on how to minimise emissions when using a woodburner.

Cllr Brian McGurk
Chair, Planning and Regulatory Committee
Ph 03 544 1955