
Clean-up day at Waiōtahe estuary

05 Jan 2016, 9:30am Bryans Beach, Ōhiwa Beach Rd, at the edge of Ōhiwa Harbour Bay of Plenty

The Bryans Beach community group is seeking volunteers for its upcoming clean-up day at the Waiōtahe estuary.

It needs 25 people to help collect rubbish along the high-tide mark on January 5. The day starts at 9.30am.

The initiative continues the first estuary clean up the group organised in 2014 as part of its efforts to keep the area beautiful. Volunteers are advised to wear old clothes and bring gumboots and gloves.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council will provide a barbeque lunch once the clean-up work is finished. If you’re interested in helping out please phone Judy Lewis on (07) 315 4686.

The Bryans Beach community group started in 2007 with six committee members representing about 80 households in the Bryans Beach area. It takes on any project affecting the community, from installing speed bumps along the beach front to weed eradication, largely targeting gorse and pampas on stop banks, river edges and beach and back dune areas, and planting native trees.

This year members spent 30 hours planting 1000 native species under Coast Care and Bay of Plenty Regional Council guidance. Every year the group helps plant 500-1000 trees.

Its members also install predator traps to help boost bird populations. They have placed 80 DOC traps from the Ohiwa Harbour to the Waiōtahe spit across from the pipi beds. As a result the number of shore birds in the area has increased significantly. Many hours are also spent monitoring the NZ dotterel and variable oyster-catcher nests to help the chicks survive.

Bryans Beach is on Ōhiwa Beach Rd, on the edge of Ōhiwa Harbour.

Further details


Judy Lewis at (07) 315 4686

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