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Tiakina te mauri o te wai - Sustaining the lifeforce of the water

Sourced from Healthy Waterways:


Last updated: Feb 28 2023

Who we are

The Pomahaka Water Care Group is a farmer-led group of landowners who are working together to improve the health of the Pomahaka River catchment.

You can find more information on our website ( or our facebook page (

Summary of our work

Our land the last 12 months

Over the last 12 months we have been busy planting and fencing parts of our catchment.


The Pomahaka Water Care Group were successful in obtaining funding from the Provisional Growth Fund and One Billion Trees to fence and plant 100 kilometres of stream edge throughout the Pomahaka River catchment.

Fencing began in late winter 2020, with planting starting late October 2020. 

Stock exclusion

Erosion control

Edge of field wetland trial as erosion control

Our land the next 12 months

Over the next 12 months, we are planning to:

  • secure ongoing funding to continue riparian planting and stock exclusion<br>
  • increase sediment control across the catchment<br>

From us to you

Some key messages from us to you

Take hold of the issue - we are in charge of our own destiny

Pomahaka River Care Group

A lot of people doing little things make change

Pomahaka River Care Group


This topic features real world stories about the efforts of catchment groups, agencies and individuals who are who working to improve the health of our waterways. This story has been shared by the author through the Healthy Waterways register. For questions about about this story, please get in touch with the author. If you have concerns about the story content, please get in touch: 

Add your data

Make sure your hard work in improving your catchment gets recorded.