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Bay of Plenty region

Whakatāne at Huitieke Upper

The Whakatāne at Huitieke rainfall site is situated in the upper Whakatāne catchment some 24 km upstream of Ruatoki.

The site records a mean annual rainfall of 1575 mm and daily falls up to 169 mm.

Rainfall Data
Scientific data for this rainfall site
  • Rainfall so far this month
    This month:
    Rain last month
    Last month:
    Percentage of monthly median rainfall
    Very wetOver 200%
    Moderately wet>110% to 200%
    Near normal>90% to 110%
    Moderately dry>50% to 90%
    Very dry0% to 50%
    Show more information Hide

    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 12 months

    Key figures

    {{stat.Name}} {{stat.Value}} {{stat.Units}}

    Notable measurements

    Wettest Month/Year Rainfall
    Largest recorded annual rainfall June 1905 2229
    Driest Month/Year Rainfall
    Lowest recorded annual rainfall June 1905 971