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Bay of Plenty region

Tarawera at Awakaponga

The Awakaponga site is situated on the Rangitaiki Plains between the townships of Edgecumbe and Matata.

Summer river flows at this site can get as low as 15.2 m3/s, but normal flows are closer to 30.2 m3/s. A high flood level of 74.2 m3/s was recorded in December 1995.

The site records a mean annual rainfall of 1270 mm. In May 2005 a maximum daily fall of 308 mm was recorded, leading to significant flood damage in the Matata community. This event included a peak 1 hour rainfall total of 94mm.



Flow Data
Scientific data for this flow site
  • Live Flow Data
    Latest sample:
    Percentage of time flow exceeded
    High flowLess than 5%
    Elevated flow5% to 29%
    Normal flow30% to 69%
    Reduced flow70% to 94%
    Low flow95% to 100%
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    • Last 24 hours
    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days

    Key figures

    {{stat.Name}} {{stat.Value}} {{stat.Units}}

    Other notable measurements

    Floods Month/Year Flow
    Maximum recorded flow June 1962 92.406
Rainfall Data
Scientific data for this rainfall site
  • Rainfall so far this month
    This month:
    Rain last month
    Last month:
    Percentage of monthly median rainfall
    Very wetOver 200%
    Moderately wet>110% to 200%
    Near normal>90% to 110%
    Moderately dry>50% to 90%
    Very dry0% to 50%
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    • Last 7 days
    • Last 30 days
    • Last 12 months

    Key figures

    {{stat.Name}} {{stat.Value}} {{stat.Units}}

    Notable measurements

    Wettest Month/Year Rainfall
    Largest recorded annual rainfall December 2011 2340
    Driest Month/Year Rainfall
    Lowest recorded annual rainfall December 1993 638