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Auckland region

Selaks Bore

The Selaks Road Bore is located in the grass verge on the north side of Old North road approx 100m from the corner of SH16.


The bore was drilled in 1986 to a depth of 299.0m. The bore lithology is Waitemata Group sandstone. This bore had a pressure transducer and data logger from 1986 to 1998. This bore is now manually dipped on a frequent basis.

Bore Site Data
Scientific data for this bore site
  • Current water level
    Latest sample:
    Percentage of average level
    Very highOver 150%
    Normal to high100% - 150%
    Low to normal50% - 100%
    Very lowLess than 50%
    Show more information Hide

    • Last 6 months
    • Last 12 months
    Water level

    Key figures

    {{stat.Name}} {{stat.Value}} {{stat.Units}}

    Notable measurements

    Month/Year High Level (m)
    September 2012 26.201
    Month/Year Low Level (m)
    April 2010 17.54