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This dashboard shows information on the data collected by the regional councils and unitary authorities for the Estuary health scientific indicators, click the tiles for more information:

Estuary Health Indicator

Estuary Macrofauna Score
STATE {{indicatorValue}} Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}}

Estuary stressor

Mud content
STATE {{indicatorValue}} Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}}
STATE {{indicatorValue}} mg/kg Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}} Compared against ANZG guidelines No ANZG guideline for this indicator
STATE {{indicatorValue}} mg/kg Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}} Compared against ANZG guidelines No ANZG guideline for this indicator
STATE {{indicatorValue}} mg/kg Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}} Compared against ANZG guidelines No ANZG guideline for this indicator
STATE {{indicatorValue}} mg/kg Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}} Compared against ANZG guidelines No ANZG guideline for this indicator
STATE {{indicatorValue}} mg/kg Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}} Compared against ANZG guidelines No ANZG guideline for this indicator
Total PAH
STATE {{indicatorValue}} µg/kg Latest annual mean: {{latestYear}} Compared against ANZG guidelines No ANZG guideline for this indicator