LAWA connects you with the environment by sharing scientific data.
LAWA provides free access to data for many of the topics this website. Further datasets will be added over time. You are welcome to use these datasets. Please ensure you adhere to LAWA's Terms of Use and, where applicable, the Creative Commons Licensing.
This data file contains daily average PM2.5 and PM10 data from air quality monitoring sites over the last eight years (2016-2023), and 10-year trend results. Data file published: 9 July 2024.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This data file contains faecal indicator bacterial (FIB) monitoring results from council recreational water quality monitoring programmes over the last six years (2017/18 - 2022/23). For some sites, potentially toxic algae information is also available. Data file published: 20 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
Data file available that contains monitoring results for common indicators of Estuary Health (mud content, contaminants and estuary macrofauna). Data file published: 17 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This data file contains the monitoring results for groundwater quality samples (2004 - 2022), and state and trend results for well sites throughout New Zealand. Data file published: 20 November 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This data file contains the monitoring results of lake water quality samples (2004-2022), and results from calculations for TLI, state and trends in Sept 2023. Data file published: 16 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This data file contains the data shown on the land cover topic. Data file published: June 2021
There have been changes to some catchments on LAWA since the data file was published. Please get in touch if you are requiring updated land cover statistics for the catchment level.
The land cover statistics available for download are from a reclassification of the New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) version 5.0 and are published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0). The New Zealand LCDB v5.0 was created by Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
The zipped data file contains the shapefiles for catchments shown on the River Water Quality and Land Cover topics. This file was generated on 29 August 2022.
There have been changes to some catchments on LAWA since the data file was published. Please contact us for more details.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This data file contains results for macroinvertebrate monitoring by regional councils, unitary authorities, and NIWA in New Zealand. Data file published: 4 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This file contains the state and trend results for macroinvertebrate monitoring sites in rivers throughout New Zealand. Data file published: 4 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This file contains data for water quality samples collected by regional councils, unitary authorities and NIWA, for monitoring sites in the North Island (Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay and Wellington regions). Date file published: 16 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This file contains data for water quality samples collected by regional councils and NIWA, for monitoring sites in the North Island (Manawatu-Whanganui, Northland, Taranaki and Waikato regions). Date file published: 16 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This file contains data for water quality samples collected by regional councils, unitary authorities and NIWA, for monitoring sites in the South Island. Date file published: 16 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.
This file contains the state and trend results for river water quality monitoring sites in rivers throughout New Zealand. Data file published: 3 July 2024. This file replaces the original file published on 16 October 2023.
LAWA provides this information in good faith. LAWA Partners shall not be liable, whether in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, for any loss or damage of any type (including consequential losses) arising directly or indirectly from the inadequacy, inaccuracy or any other deficiency in information supplied irrespective of the cause. Use of information supplied is entirely at the risk of the recipient and shall be deemed to be acceptance of this liability exclusion.