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Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

The Tukituki river at Tamumu bridge is a HBRC fresh water quality & ecology monitoring site

The Tukituki at Tamumu Bridge site is a popular recreational site for many users. The Tukituki catchment supports a regionally significant brown and rainbow trout fishery. The angling activity is spread throughout the catchment, with the Tukituki River mainstem, and a number of its tributaries, including the Waipawa and Tukipo Rivers, and the Makaretu and Mangaonuku Streams the most sought after fisheries. The trout populations in the catchment are self sustaining, with trout spawning occurring in a number of tributaries. Recreational activities, such as swimming canoeing/kayaking and fishing occur throughout the catchment. Extensive cycle trails are ideal for walking and cycling. The Tukituki catchment also supports significant ecological values associated with the aquatic and riparian ecosystems and significant habitats of indigenous fauna and flora.

Water Quality
Water quality data for this site

This dashboard shows information on the data collected by the regional councils and unitary authorities for water quality indicators, analysed as state and trend. Select an indicator to see the historical monitoring data.

  • State

    State shows how the median of samples from this site compares to other sites.

    This site is a {{siteDescription}} site. Currently showing the state of this site compared to:

  • The state is also represented by attribute bands in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 for some indicators.

  • Trend

    Trend shows how the quality of water is changing over time. Depending on the sampling history duration, five, ten and fifteen year timescales are available:

The state is also represented by attribute bands in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 for some indicators.

Can I trust this data?

The Cawthron Institute has worked alongside regional councils to verify the processes and methods used for data collection, laboratory analysis of samples collected and the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results presented.

If all Cawthron ticks are green, then you can trust this data. However, if one or more ticks are orange, then conclusions should be treated with some caution.

For more details on each tick, see our 'Can I Trust This Data?' Factsheet.

Can I trust the data for this site?
Data Collection

All samples were collected using approved field protocols and have been analysed in accredited laboratories. Therefore the data shown here has been collected and analysed following best practice.


All samples were collected using approved field protocols and have been analysed in accredited laboratories.


E. coli
{{ECOLI.NofBand | uppercase}}
Attribute Band
Attribute Band

Sample history at this site

E. coli samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying E. coli concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

What do the attribute band icons mean?

The bands for E. coli are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1000 (0.1% risk). The predicted average infection risk is 1%*.
For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1000 (0.1% risk). The predicted average infection risk is 2%*.
For at least half the time, the estimated risk is <1 in 1000 (0.1% risk). The predicted average infection risk is 3%*.
20-30% of the time, the estimated risk is >=50 in 1000 (>5% risk). The predicted average infection risk is >3%*.
For more than 30% of the time, the estimated risk is >=50 in 1000 (>5% risk). The predicted average infection risk is >7%*.
* The predicted average infection risk is the overall average infection to swimmers based on a random exposure on a random day, ignoring any possibility of not swimming during high flows or when a surveillance advisory is in place (assuming that the E. coli concentration follows a lognormal distribution). Actual risk will generally be less if a person does not swim during high flows.

Suspended Fine Sediment

{{BDISC.NofBand | uppercase}}
Attribute Band
Attribute Band

Sample history at this site

Clarity samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Black Disc readings over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.  At some sites Black Disc is not measured - here the calculation of the state attribute band for Clarity (suspended fine sediment) has used Clarity measurements converted from Turbidity data (where available). 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

What do the attribute band icons mean?

The bands for Clarity (suspended fine sediment) are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

Minimal impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Ecological communities are similar to those observed in natural reference conditions.
Low to moderate impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Abundance of sensitive fish species may be reduced.
Moderate to high impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Sensitive fish species may be lost.
National bottom line: Numeric attribute state by suspended sediment class: 1 = 1.34, 2 = 0.61, 3 = 2.22, 4 = 0.98
High impact of suspended sediment on instream biota. Ecological communities are significantly altered and sensitive fish and macroinvertebrate species are lost or at high risk of being lost.

Sample history at this site

Turbidity samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Turbidity levels over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. 

Yellow coloured bars on the graph represent turbidity values measured in NTU. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. Some councils now also measure turbidity in FNU.  These data are shown as blue coloured bars and are not used by LAWA for the state and trend indicators.

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.


Total Nitrogen

Sample history at this site

Total Nitrogen samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Total Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

Total Oxidised Nitrogen

Sample history at this site

Total Oxidised Nitrogen samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Total Oxidised Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen

Sample history at this site

Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

Ammoniacal Nitrogen
{{NH4.NofBand | uppercase}}
Attribute Band (toxicity)
Attribute Band (toxicity)

Sample history at this site

Ammoniacal Nitrogen samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Ammoniacal Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period.  These monitoring data have not been pH adjusted.  You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

What do the attribute band icons mean?

The bands for Ammonia (toxicity) are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

99% species protection level: No observed effect on any species tested.
95% species protection level: Starts impacting occasionally on the 5% most sensitive species.
National bottom line: Annual median 0.24 mg NH4-N/L. Annual 95th percentile 0.40 mg NH4-N/L (milligrams ammoniacal-nitrogen per litre). Note 1 mg/l = 1 g/m3
80% species protection level: Starts impacting regularly on the 20% most sensitive species (reduced survival of most sensitive species).
Starts approaching acute impact level (ie risk of death) for sensitive species.
Nitrate Nitrogen
{{NO3N.NofBand | uppercase}}
Attribute Band (toxicity)
Attribute Band (toxicity)

Sample history at this site

Nitrate Nitrogen samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Nitrate Nitrogen concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard.*  

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

*For sites where there are not enough Nitrate Nitrogen data available, Total Oxidised Nitrogen (TON) data have been used instead to calculate state and trend.  

What do the attribute band icons mean?

The bands for Nitrate (toxicity) are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

High conservation value system. Unlikely to be effects even on sensitive species.
Some growth effect on up to 5% of species.
National bottom line: Annual median 2.4 mg NO3-N/L. Annual 95th percentile 3.5 mg NO3-N/L (milligrams nitrate-nitrogen per litre). Note 1 mg/l = 1 g/m3
Growth effects on up to 20% of species (mainly sensitive species such as fish). No acute effects.
Impacts on growth of multiple species, and starts approaching acute impact level (that is, risk of death) for sensitive species at higher concentrations (>20 mg/L)
This attribute measures the toxic effects of nitrate, not the trophic state. Where other attributes measure trophic state, for example periphyton, freshwater objectives, limits and/or methods for those attributes may be more stringent.


Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus
{{DRP.NofBand | uppercase}}
Attribute Band
Attribute Band

Sample history at this site

Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

What do the attribute band icons mean?

The bands for Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus are as outlined in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

Ecological communities and ecosystem processes are similar to those of natural reference conditions. No adverse effects attributable to dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) enrichment are expected.
Ecological communities are slightly impacted by minor DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. If other conditions also favour eutrophication, sensitive ecosystems may experience additional algal and plant growth, loss of sensitive macroinvertebrate taxa, and higher respiration and decay rates.
Ecological communities are impacted by moderate DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. If other conditions also favour eutrophication, DRP enrichment may cause increased algal and plant growth, loss of sensitive macroinvertebrate and fish taxa, and high rates of respiration and decay.
Ecological communities impacted by substantial DRP elevation above natural reference conditions. In combination with other conditions favouring eutrophication, DRP enrichment drives excessive primary production and significant changes in macroinvertebrate and fish communities, as taxa sensitive to hypoxia are lost.
Total Phosphorus

Sample history at this site

Total Phosphorus samples for Tukituki River at Tamumu Bridge

What is this graph showing me?

This graph is displaying Total Phosphorus concentrations over the selected time period. You can adjust this period by changing the dropdowns. These records form the basis for the state and trend indicators displayed on the dashboard. 

Find out about how State and Trend are calculated.

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